The Idaho Diaper Bank relies on the many contributions of our volunteers. Feel free to send us volunteer inquiries to or (208) 996-3575.
A diaper drive is a great community service project for your school, business, civic group, neighborhood or faith organization. Every package of diapers you collect and every dollar you raise will impact needy infants and toddlers. Diaper Drive Tool Kit
The National Diaper Bank Network provides tools for community advocacy. You can help the IDB raise awareness about diaper need in our town, work to affect change on a state level, and improve conditions for many babies that need diapers.
Help spread the word by advocating online. Post your support for diaper bank efforts on social media platforms using the hashtag #DiaperNeed and #DiaperOn.
Have some leftover diapers your child outgrew? The Idaho Diaper Bank can use them! Opened packages are fine too. To find a drop off point near you, click here or email:
For large groups, IDB can work with you and your organization to create a "pop-up" volunteer station at your school, business, or church. Your group would collect diapers and then the IDB will supply all the necessary items like labels and wrap to bundle the diapers for distribution. Pop-Up should be done in coordination with a diaper drive only. KIT
Video link to see how to repack diapers: HERE
Have a special talent, skill, or in-kind donation? We welcome input from volunteers interested in donating web skills, marketing, fundraising, logistics, and more! Just let us know how you want to be involved and we'll work to make it happen!
This website made possible by a grant from the Idaho Women's Charitable Foundation.